An amazing Nature-inspired Illustrator

Katie Scott (@katiekatiescott) has a wonderful eye for nature. Few artists have successfully taken the reigns that Ernst Haeckel started in the 1800s. Not only does Katie pay attention to all things wonderful that comes from biology and nature, she is keen on color and design.

Her color pallet is less saturated and muted yet delicate and harmonious; arguably a vibe or mood that could be continuous with being out in nature, as nature can be both mysterious and wonderful.

Her illustrations are even more successful on real-world objects. They can morph from scientific references to patterning on clothing and it both works.

Check out Katie Scott on Instagram (@katiekatiescott)

Also, watch her illustrations come to life!

Crystallized Natural History Specimens Create Wondrous Art Pieces

An amazing Instagrammer to follow is Artist Tyler Thrasher (@tylerthrasherart). He takes curious specimens, such as seashells, wood, even insects and skulls, and grows real crystals on their surfaces. You can also peep at his science-inspired photographs, paintings and drawings. As with all of his talents, this oddity artist creates artwork that is truly unique.

What is most spectacular about this artist though, as a chemist, he makes especially sure that his specimens are made with quality, precision and care. According to his Instagram and biography, he creates these crystals with his knowledge of molecular biology and crystallography. He says the chemicals he works with are dangerous and even fatal, making each project a risky operation.

More about Artist Tyler Thrasher