Origami Anatomy

Sometimes in order to study, it’s a good idea to take a look at a 3D version. Sometimes 3D diagrams are expensive, and only available in science labs. That’s where Origami Organelles come in!

Printable, hands-on and easy to assemble, you can study in a new way.

Make your own printable origami here

Literal Medical Art

A nurse named Tilda Shalof created an amazing mural made completely of plastic bits from her profession. The plastic she collects consists of (sterile) parts of medical devices that would normally be thrown away, like lids from viles, syringes, and tube connectors. This mural exposes a time line of the hard work and commitment that goes into being a nurse for 28+ years, as each dot in the mural is a symbol for doing a specific task that she routinely does throughout her work day. Not to mention, all of that plasic that doesn’t end up in landfill.